Minggu, 02 April 2017

Contoh Hope and Dream | Materi kelas XI SMK Bahasa Inggris

Assaalamualaikum wr.wb
Thanksgiving let us pray for the presence of  God almighty one who has given the gift of  health to us on the occasion of this day.

Ladies and gentlemen
I have a dream that simple. My dream is
to build a small food businesses and everyone likes. Getting orders from people a lot and generate enough profit. With small businesses aims to build jobs for the unemployed youth. Especially in my area. I believe that the dream was the beginning of ideals. To reach the dream that there should be a business that accompanies. My great hope to reduce the number of  unemployed Indonesia. If  the youth get jobs, God willing criminality wane and Indonesia will prosper.

Friends that I love
My hope, my friends all support and encourage this more for my dream. May God embrace my dreams and someday will become a reality. Amiin.

Ladies and gentlemen
Thus the speech that I can say. if there is a mistake I apologize profusely.  Thanks for your attention. I am Setia Wahyu Utami.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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